Drill Here, Drill Now and in my backyard preferably – BUT first, send water South, Death to the Delta Smelt
There is a water “crisis” in San Diego County, indeed in all Southern California. Why” Are we in a drought? Sort of? Sort of? Yes, a shortage of water caused by the government.
The California Department of Water Resources has reduced by 40 percent the water it allows Southern California to draw from the Sacramento Delta which in turn draws from the Sierra Nevada snow pack.
To protect the Delta Smelt.
What is a Delta Smelt? It is a two inch long non-gold fish.
Who cares about it?
A bunch of people without jobs who think you should not have water for your home.
Death to the Delta Smelt and none too soon.
Don’t think of it as endangered, think of it as obsolete.
Like almost all other problems, the Delta Smelt and no water is brought to you by the government. The water is there for us to use. The government just thinks the Delta Smelt is more important than you are. The same government that has not yet brought us a budget. But, don’t worry, the budget is on the way. Along with a huge tax increase to further bloat the stomach of the ever hungry government employees unions. You certainly would not want them to go without their nine square meals a day at your expense, would you?
Drill Here, Drill Now and in my backyard preferably – BUT first, send water South, Death to the Delta Smelt