Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Evolis Pebble 3 or Peb3le Card Printer will not print

We have had an Evolis Pebble 3, or Peb3le as they cleverly call it, for six years.  It has printed about 2,000 cards.  While they still market the printer, it must be fairly said that it has been out of warranty for four years.  Still makes the per card cost high!

It has stopped printing.  After the upgrade to OSX 10.7 Lion, it printed 65 cards, then would print no more.  Now, it appears Evolis does not yet support Lion.  They claim they will in the first part of 2012.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Evolis Card Printers is the one-stop color printer for dual-sided personalization of badges, sterling quality and robust security. Thanks to the most advanced printing engine in the market, prints high-definition badges within seconds.

    Evolis Card Printers
