Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Christmas, Holidays and Spending

As we come on the Holiday Spending Season, be prepared for an attack on Christmas by the ACLU, an acronym that covers an anti-American anti-God group bent on a One World One People One Government No God final solution to everything.

Christmas is under attack on the basis that its celebration or even note by anyone or anything, let alone a governmental agency is in conflict with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; the vaunted revered and mis-construed “Establishment Clause.”

The “Establishment Clause” actually reads as follows:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …"

You will note that it says nothing about anyone except Congress and nothing other than making a law. For good reason, at the time of the ratification of the Constitution, several states had state religions and kept them. The Constitution would never have been ratified if the people thought that the “Establishment Clause” would be used to promote atheism.

About 85 percent of the American populace is Christian, yet the ACLU would have all references to Christianity banned from the public view. By recognizing the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ, Congress is not making any laws respecting the establishment of any religion. In allowing or even sponsoring a Nativity Scene government is not making any laws respecting the establishment of any religion.

You will note the same people who think that the Constitution which says:

“…the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Has no provision for armed citizens, but find the prohibition against wishing someone Merry Christmas in these words;

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …"

You will note the ACLU never attacks Muslims and seldom Jews. Almost exclusively Christians. Not so much because of their religion, but because they are a majority whose beliefs are such that they are “meek” in their beliefs. They are willing to live and let live. Muslims are willing to kill and let die.

Enough is enough.

Let us examine who protects the country.



Go to any National Cemetery.

Read the tombstones of the heros.

Christians and Jews, with a few Buddists, Taoists and Confucians thrown in for good measure.

Atheists? There is a symbol, just haven’t seen it used.

God, Honor, Country.

Not much of a motto if you don’t believe in God, have no honor and don’t think much of the greatest country in earth.

Having said all of this, reflect on the commercial.

People do not buy people Happy Holiday gifts. Christmas, yes; Hanukkah, yes; Happy Holidays, no.

The commercial aspect of Christmas has been very profitable for the American merchandiser. There is not much commercial aspect of the Happy Holiday.

Think about it!

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