The concept of justice; the rule of law; God, Honor, Country on these our country was founded. No one is above the law.
Except Judge Greer.
The judge decided years ago that Terri should die, her life was not worth living, she stood between her husband and happiness, her husband and prosperity. She should have the decency to get out of his life. That is what she would have wanted. After all, we have his word for that. The judge relied on "expert" testimony from the foremost expert in the field, Dr. Death, a man who never met a sentient being.
If you believe them, the Governor of the Great State of Florida, the President of the United States, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House are all powerless in the face of some mindless appointed judge in Florida. They can do nothing to keep a clearly innocent lady from being publicly murdered in a cruel and certainly unusual manner. Criminals convicted of the most heinous and despicable murders have rights to almost endless appeal and can be pardoned. Innocent people in the way of a scumbag have no right, no recourse.
According to the talking heads, Terri's fate is in the hands of her "husband", a man living in adultery with another woman, fathering bastards. Perhaps the world would be a better place if her "husband" were separated from his hands. Seems like they do that in countries ruled by the religion of peace, so it should be okay with the left.
Be left with this thought, if the Governor of the Great State of Florida, the President of the United States, the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House are really all powerless in the face of some mindless appointed judge in Florida, do you want to give up your right to keep and bear arms?
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