Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Legal Branch of the Tripod, where is Justice?

It seems unlikely Judge Whittemore will do anything other than what he and all the rest of the "legal" system have been doing - backing each other up. For the legal system, the issue is simple: Does the legal branch have superior authority over the legislative and executive branches? The only answer they will entertain is YES. While there are some judges who can read and follow the Constitution and have a conscience, the majority are only concerned with the supremacy of the legal branch.

There is no concern as to whether Terri Schiavo is being tortured in the process of murdering her. None whatsoever. Zero, Nada, Zip. There is no concern as to whether there is what is defined as a conspiracy to violate her civil rights or murder her. None whatsoever. Zero, Nada, Zip.

The issue here is clear: Does the legal branch have superior authority over the legislative and executive branches? The only answer they will entertain is YES.

There is no system of checks and balances in a government where the legal branch has no one to report to. Particularly when they turn their back on God and the Constitution.

Remember, there is no Justice in a Legal System, only legality.

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